Have you ever longed for stillness? I mean real quietness? Go far out into the country, and in the middle of the night, listen…Listen to quietness? Yes. After all the noises of the city or town-traffic, industry, sirens, dogs barking, church bells ringing, you get the point–stillness can be deafening.
Everywhere there is noise. Electricity makes noise. Listen during the stillness of the night in your own home, and you will hear noise. But out in the country, in the middle of the night when even the birds are asleep, you can hear the stillness. It is loud. It hurts your ears. Listen for a while–if you ever get the chance–and you will almost wish for some kind of noise. We expect noise. It is what we are used to.
But in our spiritual life we want quietness. But there is always some sort of disquietude. There are conflicting voices in our ears telling us different things. We cry out to God, wanting to hear His voice, but other noises keep squeezing their way in. We kneel or sit down for our morning devotions, asking God for a message from Him. Our Bible is open before us. We pray to hear His voice. We expect God’s message to jump out at us, to fill our heads with assurance that He has heard, but it doesn’t happen.
Well, let’s not think we are the only ones. Elijah, God’s great prophet, had the same experience. See I Kings 19 for the story. Elijah was out in the caves, hiding from Queen Jezebel and King Ahab. He was discouraged, thinking he was the only man of God left. In verse 11 we find him on the top of a mountain, waiting for God’s voice. He expected to hear it in the wind that came along. But he didn’t. He expected to hear it in the earthquake that took place. But he didn’t. He expected to hear it in the roar of the fire. But God did not speak in any of those noisy events. God spoke in a STILL, SMALL VOICE. “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee, because he trusteth in Thee.” Isaiah 26:3-4
We don’t have to be out in the country in the middle of the night when even the birds are sleeping, to hear the voice of God. He speaks amidst the noise, the confusion of life. We just have to listen…for a STILL, SMALL VOICE.
Helen Dowd enjoys spending time at her computer, alongside her husband of 54 years, writing poetry, story poems, stories about pets and life in general, as well as inspirational and Bible stories online project work. Her writings can be found on her website: www.occupytillicome.com. Email address:hmdowd@telus.net