I was awake but my eyes were still closed. I could hear the footsteps of people hurrying off to work and the sound of distant traffic.

I had finished my secondary education a couple of years before then and would have loved to seek admission to the university like my other friends, some of whom were already in school. The reality of the situation told me that would not be a possibility for now. What I needed was a job. If I could save up for a few months, maybe I would have enough to seek admission into the university.

I had been looking out for a job for months and nothing was forthcoming. I went out with hope each morning and came back tired and deflated later in the day. It was a lonely place to be. One thing however kept me moving, the knowledge that God was always there for me. Sometimes I wondered why things were the way they were but somehow God would show me His faithfulness and I would remember that He is in control of my life.

One example of this was when I was completely out of money and with no hope of respite anywhere. I went to a relation’s place and she was speaking with her daughter on the phone who had been in the US for some time. As I walked in, she told me she was speaking with her daughter who requested to speak with me as soon as she was told I was around. The girl was so excited on the phone as we talked. At the end of our discussion, she asked me to see a friend hers who she would be sending some things through. I was pleasantly shocked when I saw her friend and she gave me an envelope containing $50!

God has shown up for me in unusual places and at unusual times. This has strengthened my belief that He is always there for me. I have not only experienced His presence and intervention in monetary issues but in other areas as well. Sometimes when I am feeling low in my spirit, He sends someone to me either through a phone call or a text message. Sometimes He gets my attention through music played by someone else.

I  know that sometimes He has prompted me to reach out to someone unexpectedly and I get so excited when the person tells me, ‘God must have sent you’ or ‘Your email was what I needed at this time’

I don’t know what you may be going through at the moment. It may seem as if you are all alone but be encouraged and  know that God has promised that He will never leave you nor forsake you (Joshua 1:5)

Even when no one seems to be in sight, never despair, God is right where you are!