by Steve Popoola on June 26th, 2023
In this last part of the P.U.S.H series, we will be looking at the topic, “Position Until Something Happens”. Why is positioning important for the Christian? As usual, we will look into the scriptures to give us an answer to that crucial question.
Jesus and his disciples were on a journey when they came upon a village. One of the residents named Martha, invited them into her home. Martha went on to do what any decent hostess would do, she got busy making arrangements to entertain the Lord and his entourage.
While she busy making these arrangements, she noticed her sister sitting at the Lord’s feet and hanging on to his every word. She was annoyed and said to Jesus, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!”. (Luke 10:40) She was expecting the Lord to tell Mary, “Come on, go help your sister. Can’t you see she needs help?” Instead, the response was not what she expected, “Martha, Martha”, the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10: 41)
That discourse showcases a very important lesson. It is important that we position ourselves correctly or else, we will lose sight of what God is doing. It is so easy to get busy doing God’s work that we neglect our communion with Him. Are we like Martha, busy ensuring that Sunday service is perfect, every ‘i’ is dotted and every ’t’ is crossed? Do we get so wound up with Church and ministry activities that we end up too tired and too distracted to hear what God is saying?
Martha wasn’t doing anything wrong - in fact she was doing the right thing by ensuring that her guests were adequately cared for and properly entertained but I believe the Lord wanted her and by extension us, to learn the all important lesson of positioning ourselves where we will hear from him.
Moses was busy minding his own business, tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law when he came across a bizarre sight. He saw flames of fire burning in a bush, yet the bush was unscathed. He decided to have a closer look. He thought, “I will go over and see this strange sight—why the bush does not burn up.” (Exodus 3:3) What he did not know was that he was positioning himself where he would hear from God. Thus began the conversation that changed the course of history, not only for Moses but for the children of Israel.
I remember many years ago as a young Christian, I felt wronged in my local Church and decided to look for another Church to be part of. I chose some Churches at random and attended them at intervals. One Sunday, in one of those churches, the Pastor preached a message that hit me hard. I felt like a boxer confident of victory suddenly finding himself being blindsided with unexpected punches. The knockout punch was when the Pastor spoke the words, “If the Lord has not planted you in this church and you decide to stay here, you will not prosper!” No one knew me in the church so the Pastor couldn’t have been talking to me directly but I knew the word was for me. I promptly went back to my local Church and indeed the Lord proved himself faithful in my life. He turned everything around in my favour and lifted me up far beyond my expectations!
In order to position ourselves correctly, we need to cultivate the habit of seeking God’s face. Our communion with God through worship, prayer and His word is more important than any activity even church-based ones. Every other positioning comes from that first position; sitting at the feet of Jesus and hanging on to His every word. Jesus emphasised one truth to Martha, “Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” Everything we achieve in life is transient. When Covid struck, all church buildings became empty, even mega-churches with buildings sitting over 20,000 on a Sunday morning service. Yet, God’s word found its way into peoples’ homes and many came to know Christ from the confines of their bedrooms.
When God called out to Adam and asked the question, “Where are you?” It was not an indication of God’s ignorance of where Adam was, it was God questioning why Adam changed his position. He had been well positioned where he could hear the Lord walking in the cool evening breeze and experience the joy of fellowship and communion but now, that same sound of God walking in the garden terrified them.
Jesus came to re-position us. He came to place us back where we belong. We are no longer slaves or foreigners but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God (Ephesians 2:19)
In the meantime, we need to assess and re-assess our positioning and ensure that we are right where we ought to be. The places we position ourselves in and the people we position ourselves with will play a vital role in achieving our God-given purpose.
Steve Popoola is the editor of Biblepraise Newsletter and the founder of the Biblepraise Fellowship Online.
He lives in Kent, United Kingdom, where he works as an IT Professional. He serves in his local church as an Elder and Trustee, Worship Leader as assisting with Pastoral Care.
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