There is always a sense of anticipation when a new year is about to roll in and 2022 is not an exception. The battle against Covid is still far from over since it became a global pandemic in 2020. No one would have anticipated that more than 2 years later, Covid would still be a major topical issue in our world today.

Life as we know it has changed significantly. I used to wonder a few years ago, why some tourists I see in London, especially those from Asia often wear masks. Now it has become our reality. Governments of various countries are trying hard to fight the pandemic and at the same time keep the wheels of their economies running. They also have the challenge of dealing with the divisive issue of imposition of restrictions and vaccinations.

As I reflected on all this, one word came to my mind, and that word is "seasons".  As I was thinking about that word, I began to remember my past and how I had to go though different circumstances made up of different events. It occurred to me then that these circumstances and events were seasons. 

I started reading the whole Bible in Chronological order at the beginning of the year and I got drawn to the verse in Genesis 8:22. “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.” 

I did not fully appreciate the above scripture until I moved to England with my family. Unlike most parts of West Africa where it is either sunny or rainy irrespective of the time of the year, in the UK, I was fascinated to experience distinct seasons namely, winter spring, summer and autumn. 

These seasons affect the way we live. For instance, the clothes we wear in autumn is different from the ones we wear in summer, which means your wardrobe keeps changing from one season to another. Seasonal changes can be quite exciting and can also be challenging. How we prepare for the change goes a long way determining how we overcome the challenges that come with each season.

In our lives, we go through seasons as well. How prepared are we for the winter when the nights are longer and the days are cold? Do we ensure that the fire of the Holy Spirit is burning brightly to keep us warm as we reflect on God’s love and faithfulness? How about summer when the weather is hot and dry? Do we drink from the fountain of life to keep us hydrated and refreshed or do we allow ourselves to become dehydrated and weak?

Spring time is marked by rainfall which brings freshness and revival. It is a time for pruning and the turning of the soil and these processes can be painful. How do we respond to God’s pruning? Do we surrender to it so that we can grow or do we complain and push back resulting in stunted growth?

Autumn is often the time of harvest. It is the time of preparation for winter, marked by leaves falling from trees. Do we want to be like the fig tree that Jesus cursed in Luke 13:6-9 or like the tree planted by the riverbank bearing fruit each season? (Psalm 1:3)

I don’t know what season you are going through in your life right now but one common denominator of all seasons in the life of a believer, is that God is with us and He is good.  

Let the season run its course. Don’t fight it but rather, embrace it because it will ultimately usher you into a new season. It is not meant to destroy you, it is meant to mould you into what God has called you to be.

May your year be fruitful and prosperous.

Happy new year to you.


Steve Popoola is the editor of Biblepraise Newsletter and the founder of the Biblepraise Fellowship Online. He lives in Kent, United Kingdom, where he works as an IT Professional. He serves currently as an Elder and Worship Leader in his local church and on occasion, speaks at invited events.