Biblepraise Fellowship Online

Inspirational Writings, Stories and Poetry.

Posts with Tag: new year

by Steve Popoola on
There is always a sense of anticipation when a new year is about to roll in and 2022 is not an exception. The battle against Covid is still far from over since it became a global pandemic in 2020. No one would have anticipated that more than 2 years later, Covid would still be a major topical issue in our world today.Life as we know it has changed significantly. I used to wonder a few years ago, why some tourists I see in London, especially those from Asia often wear masks. Now it has become our reality. Governments of various countries are trying hard to fight the pandemic and at the same time keep the wheels of their economies running. They also have the challenge of dealing with the divisive issue of imposition of restrictions and vacci...
by Steve Popoola on
As a year rolls towards its end, many of us reflect on how the out-going year has been for us in terms of the choices and decisions we made and how that affected both us and the people around us. We also think about events that have happened to us and how it impacted our lives either positively or negatively.Reflecting on the past is good as it helps us see areas where we need to improve or lifestyles we need to change for our own good and for the good of others. Once we have done that however, we need to move on to focus on the future.  It is easy to get stuck in one place if we do not leave the past behind. We can fall into the trap of living in past glory that we do not see the need to improve until it is too late. In the same vein,...
by Steve Popoola on
Another year is around the corner and as usual, we look ahead to the new year with hope and expectations of good things to come. For others however, the start of the new year may be a scary and frightening one due to many reasons. It could be a debt due to be repaid or an impending life changing surgery with a 50-50 chance of survival. The bottom line is, the emergence of a new year can be that of hopeful excitement or terrifying expectations.For Christians however, we have a sure foundation. Isaiah 33:6, “He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure”. As I look back into the outgoing year, one re-occurring decimal has been the faithfulness of God to me and...
by Steve Popoola on
It is common for people to make plans towards the end of the year and I have often heard people give a verbal list of plans or ‘resolutions’ like;

1. To start going to the gym
2. To eat healthily
3. To spend more time reading the Bible
4. To spend more time praying
As laudable as these plans may be, it is no surprise that by the end of the second week of the new year, a lot of those who made these plans would have given up on some or all of them.
From my observation in the gym where I work out, January is usually the busiest month of the year, especially the first week. Many of those who start the year resolving to start working out,  throng the various gyms.

For those who are consistent...
by Steve Popoola on
Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 3:13, 14 KJV

I believe God is calling us to press towards the high calling this year.

What have you been called to do?  Some people believe that other have a higher calling than others. That is far from the truth. Although we perform different roles through the gifts that God has given to us, there is only one calling!

No one calling is more important or higher than others. Your calling is as important as the Pastor’s calling. God knows you have what it takes to walk in that calling, that is why He called you!

by Steve Popoola on
As one year ends and another one begins, it is usual for people to review their lives in the out-going year and  make projections into the new year. 


Some people make resolutions based on changes they want to make in the new year. These resolutions are often made to curtail habits or to achieve something significant.  What happens most times is that these resolutions are most often than not broken within the first few weeks into the new year.

Steve Popoola
Steve Popoola is the editor of Biblepraise Newsletter and the founder of the Biblepraise Fellowship Online. He lives in Kent, United Kingdom, where he works as an IT Professional. He serves currently as a Worship Leader in his local church and on occasion, speaks at invited events.

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